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How to Hide Online Gambling

The thing about online gambling is that it’s much easier to hide than gambling in person. After all, you could just be surfing the internet.

That being said, we never recommend attempting to hide online gambling if you are a problem gambler. If you have issues with being unable to stop gambling, please seek help immediately.

If you are looking for information about hiding online gambling for other, non-health-related reasons, keep reading.

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Reasons to Hide Online Gambling

Of course, some of you are probably wondering why we even have this article. The truth is, there are many legal and non-nefarious reasons to hide online gambling. You might be applying for a new job, and you don’t want your boss to know. This could be especially essential if you are applying for a government job.

Additionally, you could be applying for a home loan, and you don’t want your bank to find out about your expensive extracurricular activities during the process.

Other reasons include hiding it from children so as not to influence their perception of gambling, as well as because they are using a public computer. You may also want to hide your gambling activities from a potential partner.

No matter what your reason, as long as you aren’t hiding your gambling because you are trying to hide a problem, we are here to help.

7 Ways to Hide Online Gambling

1. Use a VPN

One of the best ways to hide your online activity from local authorities or anyone who may be trying to track you is by using a VPN. A VPN allows you to access gambling websites from IP addresses located in other states or countries.

There are some free VPN options, but we recommend paying for one—as the service is often better and more reliable. Some options include Proton VPN, Express VPN, and more.

2. Gamble With Crypto

Gambling with cryptocurrency can help hide gambling transactions from your bank—something which may be important if you are in the process of being approved for a loan.

First, you’ll need to find an exchange, like Coinbase, and send the money there. This will show the exchange on your banking transaction history, but you can claim that you are just investing. Then, once you have the crypto, transfer it to a crypto gaming website like You can also use a cryptocurrency privacy tool like Railgun for more privacy.

While this method isn’t 100% untraceable and could still be tracked by governments, it will be enough to keep your bank off of your tail.

Just be careful if you win, as a large deposit of winnings can be just as much of a red flag to your bank!

3. Use a Series of Small Transactions

If you are hiding your gaming during a loan application process, ensure you only transfer small amounts at a time. Banks often flag transactions of over a certain amount during the loan check process. This amount varies from bank to bank, though, sometimes being as low as $500 or as high as $5,000.

If you just gamble for fun, a few $100 transactions shouldn’t raise any eyebrows. However, know that the gaming website will show up in your bank history, which could cause the bank to become suspicious. Thus, we recommend pairing this with item 2 on our list to further increase your privacy.

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4. Clear Your Browser History/Use a Private Browser

This is more important when you live in a house with children whom you don’t want to see your gambling. Start by ensuring you only game when they are out or after they have gone to bed. During the session, use a private or incognito browser if you can, and if you can’t, ensure you clear your history afterward. This will ensure your kid can’t accidentally find your favorite online casino.

5. Open a Separate Banking Account

It’s a good idea to have multiple bank accounts no matter what, and if you are applying for a loan and don’t want to mess that up, then opening a new account might do the trick.

First and foremost, this account should be with a separate bank than your primary one. You should send small amounts of money to this bank account each month, saying it is for savings or another purpose. But really, it will be your gaming account.

This method will help you to hide gaming from your bank, but it will do nothing to hide it from the government, so keep that in mind before you get too excited.

6. Use PayPal

PayPal is a payment processor that you can deposit to, then you can use the money to make purchases. Additionally, PayPal offers options for buying well-known cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin and Ethereum.

PayPal isn’t a full solution, however, because not all gaming websites accept PayPal as payment, so you will want to research this in advance. Additionally, during the loan application process, the bank may inquire about your PayPal transactions, so this method is not recommended if you are looking to move large sums of money for gambling. It will work for small sums, though. Do note that governments can still track gambling via PayPal.

7. Use Non-State Run Gambling Sites

Lots of governments around the world have their hands deep in the local casino industry—meaning even if you play online, they may still know. So, if you are trying to hide your gaming activity from the government, perhaps for job purposes, it is better to take your gaming business elsewhere.

There are many online casinos that aren’t associated with any government, and many allow international players. Ensure you check your local laws before signing up, though, to ensure it is legal for you to game in other countries from your home location.

Overall, there is no completely foolproof method to hide your gambling, but if you combine all of these methods, you will keep anyone trying to track your activity busy.  Do note that hiding your gambling from the government can be illegal in some states and countries. This is not legal advice, and you should always consult your local laws before engaging in any practices that could obscure your gambling activity.

Hiding gambling | How to hide gambling | Tips for hiding gambling | Private gambling | How to gamble

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