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  1. MintDice Blog Post Image

    The History of Gambling

    In the 21 st Century gambling is a prevalent, common activity, which can be found in abundance around the globe and in all cultures. But the question is, how and where did it all begin? Read this article to find out.

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    Online Gambling Vs. Offline Gambling: The Debate

    The debate between the popularity of online gambling and its physical, brick-and-mortar counterparts is settled now. Even though online gambling is still in its nascent stage and physical gambling has been around for eons now, more and more gamers are now going to online casinos to chance their luck.

  3. MintDice Blog Post Image

    How to Make Money with Bitcoin Today

    So you’ve heard rumors of people making millions through the cryptocurrency Bitcoin and you’re probably wondering if it’s possible for you to do the same. While it’s not guaranteed, there are many ways to make money with Bitcoin, read this article to learn more.

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    Cryptocurrency and Taxation Policies

    Wider adoption of Bitcoin has also caught the attention of tax authorities around the world, meaning tax regulations on the coin are right around the corner. Read this article to learn more about how your earning crypto may be taxed.

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    Are Bitcoin Casinos Legal in the USA?

    When Bitcoin first emerged as a digital currency in 2009, few people knew little, or nothing, about it. Now it's everywhere. But is it legal? Read this article to find out.

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    Bitcoin Twitter Accounts Worth Following

    In the digital era we live in today, there is often a constant onslaught of incoming information telling you which accounts to follow on social media and who has the best content. This article reviews the best Bitcoin accounts to follow on Twitter.

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    Gambling: A New Age Profession in the Tech Era

    Gambling has charmed human beings since its inception. It has traversed universally over the ages in various forms like gaming, betting, racing, wagering, etc. Read this article to discover how it is changing once again for the tech era.

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    VeChain Coin News, Price, Partnerships and More

    VeChain is a fairly new cryptocurrency in the space, but it has huge implications for the future. Find out what it is, and whether or not you should invest in this article.

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    What Is the Steemit App Platform?

    The cryptocurrency space has plenty of different projects trying to solve different things. However, there aren’t plenty of them who try to get into the social networking business. Steem was one of these ‘several’ projects who attempt to combine the beauty of the blockchain with social networking.
