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    Engagement Token Hits Advertising World

    SolidOpinion and Engagement Token hope to capitalize on finding solutions to the current business model of online publishing and offer a better option to traditional monetization of content.

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    A Guide to Blocknet (BLOCK)

    Blocknet is a decentralized peer-to-peer platform protocol that aims at connecting the nodes from various blockchains to exchange data and value.

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    A Guide to Decred (DCR)

    Decred was launched to fix the issues that many enthusiasts face while using bitcoin or Ethereum, which is providing a secure currency that has "decentralized governance."

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    A Guide to Bitcoin Cash (BCH)

    This Bitcoin Cash (BCH) guide intends explain the difference between Bitcoin and Bitcoin Cash, and why the two coins are both able to exist and provide value in the cryptocurrency market.

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    Who Is Satoshi Nakamoto?

    Bitcoin has gained popularity and notoriety, paving the way for digital currencies to emerge and create an entire economy and ecosystem. But who is Satoshi Nakamoto who unleashed this bitcoin phenomenon to the world?

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    A Guide to SegWit (Segregated Witness)

    If you’ve been researching Bitcoin, chances are you’ve come across the term SegWit, short for Segregated Witness. SegWit may have the ability to solve or alleviate the scaling issues associated with Bitcoin and other blockchains.

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    What Is the Lightning Network & How Does It Work?

    The Lightning Network is designed to solve scalability issues with faster protocols to allow for scalable instant blockchain transactions.

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    How Does Crypto Mining Work?

    In cryptocurrency, miners are performing difficult computing tasks to be rewarded with the crypto they are supporting. But there is a lot more to crypto mining. Here’s what you need to know.

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    Ethereum: A Comprehensive Guide

    Ethereum is the second largest name in cryptocurrency behind Bitcoin and has gained a lot of traction from the blockchain communities as an instrumental blockchain to support development projects. Read everything you need to know about Ethereum.
