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  1. MintDice Blog Post Image

    Tim Draper: Why You Should Know This Influencer

    In a new industry like cryptocurrency, professionals are needed to guide growth and development, from investment to the creation of innovative solutions. One of those influencers is Tim Draper, the billionaire venture capitalist who has quickly become an influencer within the cryptocurrency space.

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    W. Virginia to Have Blockchain Voting in Elections

    An election is a sensitive process in which verification and authenticity are highly valuable. The fears associated with the possibility of any of these things going wrong is one of the major reasons why it has been difficult to modernize voting. Blockchain voting presents a unique opportunity to finally make a necessary transition.

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    Bartering Issues Solved by Blockchain

    While cryptocurrency is currently the center of the hype in the finance sector, most big industry players are gravitating towards its underlying technology: blockchain. Several top-tier executives like Warren Buffett have been pushing the “Blockchain not Bitcoin” mantra which other’s have adopted.

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    SmartDrops: New Way to Airdrop Crypto

    A coin airdrop involves the free distribution of digital tokens to users of a particular asset who sign up within a specific time frame. One major reason why airdrops are preferred to ICOs is the current investigation of the latter by the SEC.

  2. MintDice Blog Post Image

    September Report: Crypto Highs and Lows

    September 2018 saw long bear runs for most major cryptocurrencies followed by reasonably long recovery periods. Ripple (XRP) saw a monthly increase of more than 50%, briefly unseating Ethereum as the second-largest cryptocurrency by market value.

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    Bitmain Building a Farm for Crypto Mining in Texas

    In the midst of fierce competition, Bitmain has sealed its place as a frontrunner where mining cryptocurrency is concerned. From its specialized mining hardware to software and large mining groups known as pools, the company constantly strives to stay on top of crypto mining operations.

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    Intercontinental Exchange Launches Bakkt Ecosystem

    The Bakkt ecosystem is expected to incorporate federally regulated markets and warehousing along with consumer and merchant applications. The Intercontinental Exchange has joined hands with companies like Microsoft, Starbucks, and BCG to provision various services required for the success of this project.

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    Blockchain Courses at Turkey's Blockchain Center

    Turkey recently established its first university-level center to offer blockchain courses with the aim of bridging the expertise gap in the industry. It will also ensure widespread national deployment and development of the blockchain technology.

  3. MintDice Blog Post Image

    Blockchain to Prevent Another Economic Crash?

    Economic collapse on any scale usually happens as a result of disparities in the system that can easily be overlooked in the absence of clarity. However, blockchain technology could help avoid a financial crisis due to its transparency, security and decentralized mechanism.
